Our products are also available at Minimal Waste Grocery in Raheny and Irish Craft Siopa in Drumcondra.

Soap....a simple life saver!

Who remembers Lifebuoy soap? My Mam always had a big bar of this next to the kitchen sink and I'm sure if I smelled it again it would be weirdly very familiar. I've never noticed the tag line "health soap" until today. Who would have thought that, among other simple things the humble bar of soap would be instrumental in saving lives today?

Even over 100 years ago during the Crimean War Florence Nightingale knew that cleanliness was the way to save lives and during WW1 and the Spanish Flu nurses the globe over used soap to save lives.

I've been quiet on social media this last week while trying to process what's going on in the world and posting about night cream or lip balm seemed odd. Soap was never something I was particularly interested in producing but maybe now this will change. So remember, wash your hands! Simple, cheap and effective instructions used for decades to save lives. Stay safe.

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