The top three myths about using oil cleansing balms on facial skin debunked

facial cleansing

When I first began on my journey into formulating facial care products the very first product I made, purely for myself was a simple facial cleansing oil using olive oil and castor oil which I had in my kitchen cupboard. It was my husband, who after me complaining about dry skin and how the products I was using weren't working, exclaimed "I don't understand, you buy makeup, you buy stuff to take off the makeup, then that stuff makes your skin dry so you buy other stuff to make your skin not dry all the while the makeup you put on at the start has been washed down the sink!.....doesn't make much sense to me".

It was a bit of a light bulb moment to be honest! I guess sometimes it takes someone else to see the logic or illogical aspects of something you keep doing that doesn't work.

So, I realised that I had to go back to the start. I wasn't going to not wear makeup ever again and even if I did I'd still need to cleanse my face so the problem lay with cleansing. Up until that point I had been using cleansers which were mainly soap based followed by a toner to really get every bit of makeup and daily grime. I like the feeling of using water to cleanse instead of using just cream cleansers with cloths. But it turns out in the process of getting my skin squeaky clean I was in fact doing more damage than good by stripping away all of the good, useful oils along with the makeup, that skin needs to stay hydrated. There must have been a better way and that's when I discovered oil cleansing!

That night I made that first formulation, 90% olive oil and 10% castor oil and I've never used a soap based cleanser on my face again. Yes, that first formulation was very basic and it turns out I found olive oil a bit too heavy for my skin but through years of formulating and trials and tribulations I found the sweet spot which is now Keegan & Co's moisturising + cleansing balm which I use every single day to both cleanse and moisturise my skin.

I still find that there is a bit of reluctance to using oils on the facial skin still but once you try it you will never go back to your usual cream or soap based cleanser, trust me! So here are the top myths I find people still have about putting oil on their face.

Myth 01: Oils will make my facial skin look greasy

Truth: Oil and skin work perfectly in harmony together. In fact human skin produces its own oil, sebum. When you strip your skin of its natural oils by using harsh cleansers your skin will retaliate by producing more sebum to try to counteract the dryness, This will in fact cause a build up of sebum resulting in greasy skin and sometimes breakouts. 

Keegan & Co. top tip: Get to know your oils and what works for your skin. Plus since oil cleansing balms have no water added, they are made of purely oils you only need a tiny amount to get the best results.

02: Oils will clog my pores and cause breakouts

Truth: Your pores already produce oil, sebum which your skin needs. The oils you use topically will work with your natural sebum, whilst you cleanse away makeup and daily grime. Oils also have what is called a comedogenic rating which will give an indication as to whether they will clog pores. However, even oils with a high comedogenic rating such as coconut oil are excellent in the right combinations for use as oil cleansers and in small amounts as moisturisers. Coconut oil in particular is an excellent cleansing oil along with castor oil. Plus, natural oils, as opposed to synthetic oils such as mineral oil, are high in essential fatty acids which are beneficial to all skin types especially oily or skin prone to breakouts or acne.

Keegan & Co. top tip: If you are worried about clogged pores try an oil based cleanser or oil based cleansing balm. Give your skin time to adjust and re-balance to this new routine. Use a natural facial cloth with warm water, place the warm cloth over your skin for a few seconds then gently wipe away cleanser and makeup. Always repeat with a warm, damp face cloth until your skin feels clean and all traces of oil and make up have gone. 

03: The whole oil thing is just a fashion trend

For centuries women and men have been using oils, waxes and butters to cleanse, moisturise and protect their skin and hair. Shea butter production was discovered in a 14th Century village in Africa but was most likely used for centuries prior to this. The ancient Egyptians were famed for their use of oils particularly castor, olive and sesame. The Greeks and Romans too used olive oil in abundance with Homer even referring to it as liquid gold. Almond oil was another favourite often combined with frankincense and rose oil. In tropical regions coconut oil has also been used for centuries for skin care with mothers in Samoa choosing to use it as a baby massage oil for keeping children's skin healthy and soft. 

Keegan & Co. top tip: Look for products which have few well chosen oils, butters and waxes. Google one or two names of the ingredients from ingredients lists. You will slowly begin to educate yourself on which ingredients are useful and which are not. Choose oils which have been used for centuries and have proven health and cosmetic improving qualities. 

So I for one will only use oil based balms to cleanse my skin and since doing so my skin has never been healthier and people do comment and ask what I use. I love converting people to using something that I know works and gets results. 

Have you every tried an oil based cleansing balm? Leave a message in the comments and let us know. 





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